Paper Monsters Tour
Дата: 12/06/03
Город: Hultsfred, Sweden
Концертная площадка: Hultsfred Festival
Зрителей: 5000 (возможно меньше)
Поддержка: Фестиваль
Список исполненных песен:
01. Hidden Houses
02. Hold On
03. Dirty Sticky Floors
04. A Question of Time
05. Bitter Apple
06. Black and Blue Again
07. Stay
08. A Little Piece
09. Walking In My Shoes
10. I Need You
11. Bottle Living
12. Personal Jesus
13. Goodbye
На бис 1:
14. I Feel You
15. Never Let Me Down Again
На бис 2:
16. Enjoy The Silence (Acoustic)
Комментарии к концерту:
- Концерт был показан 14 июня на Шведском телеканале ZTV.
Материалы в прессе:
Not even a crowdmanagement expert like Dave Gahan succeeded in shaking any life into his lame excuses for songs on his new solo album. All the pub-rock Depeche Mode-hits couldn't change that.
[Paper Monsters is] a record full of moody sound-experiments and slow blues which kinda reminds you of Depeche Mode - the major difference being that Dave's extreme shortcomings as a songsmith leaves his songs without melodi or interesting lyrics. It's truly a test of ones endurance and patience on record, and even more so live.
Full review here! (in swedish)
A clean and sober Dave Gahan, lead singer of Depeche Mode, obviously has an urge to break everything up. To prove that he can do it all by himself and together with a stiff and non-grooving rockband, grind and destroy DM classics like A Question of Time and Personal Jesus into rockjunk somewhere inbetween Soundgarden and The Bad Seeds. Noone can deny his voice has power, but Gahan definitely has to reconsider his demands of writing more songs for Depeche Mode.
Full review here! (in swedish)