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Пресс-релизы | Faulty "101" SACD (Press Release)
Depeche Mode
Mute Statement Re "101" SACD
20 February 2004

Mute regrets to announce that there are production faults on the recently released Depeche Mode 101 SACD.

The faults involve track selection and track IDs on the SACD layers. The CD layer is unaffected. The problems occurred at the authoring and manufacturing stage of production and as such, were outside Mute?s control, as they are manufacturing and authoring faults all discs are affected.

The errors have been rectified and replacement discs are being manufactured. Once the new discs have been through a proper quality control process they will be available for exchange in-store or at the point of purchase in 2-3 weeks.

Mute would like to take this opportunity to apologise for the frustration and inconvenience this has caused.

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