Статьи | Лог интернет-чата с Аланом Уайлдером от 02 июля 2007 года |
02 июля 2007 года прошла интернет-чат сессия с Аланом Уайлдером, в которой он рассказал о новом альбоме и ответил на
вопросы посетителей его сайта. Так же все присутствуюшие могли прослушать все треки его нового альбома subHuman
за неделю до официальной даты релиза с комментариями Алана после каждой композиции. Ниже мы предлагаем вам
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Alan Wilder > My kids don't really listen to Recoil - even though I force them to. paris likes Gwen Stefani
Alan Wilder > My kids don't really listen to Recoil - even though I force them to. paris likes Gwen Stefani
Alan Wilder > My kids don't really listen to Recoil - even though I force them to. paris likes Gwen Stefani
Alan Wilder > No-one's asked me when I'm rejoining DM yet? How disappointing
Alan Wilder > There's lots of performance on this album - more than in the past but still cut up and re-processed. It's what I enjoy most
Alan Wilder > More singles? possibly but depends how 'Prey' does
Alan Wilder > I'll try not to leave it 5 years this time!
Alan Wilder > Next time around I'm not sure who I'll e working with - there are many people I admire but we'll have to see
Alan Wilder > It's a long process trying to complete all the version - and then the mastering took ages
Alan Wilder > The DVD has all versions, ambient version, 5.1 and videos. It's a good package and the audio quality is better on DVD than CD - so I'd recommend it
Alan Wilder > It's a modern approach to the blues
Alan Wilder > I didn't want it to be a pastiche blues record
Alan Wilder > String sounds are a combination of real and samples
Alan Wilder > This Lp for me is more melodic. i didn't want to use spoken word this time. Done so much of that
Alan Wilder > So I kid myself that vodka is more slimming. The only way is to excerstse so Hep and I play Tennis - until she storms off when I shout at her
Alan Wilder > So I kid myself that vodka is more slimming. The only way is to excerstse so Hep and I play Tennis - until she storms off when I shout at her
Alan Wilder > Favourite beer? Weisbier - but it makes me fat.
Alan Wilder > sorry your q's aren't showing up but I am getting some of them.
Denitsa > where are you right now, as you speak?
Alan Wilder > Do I check myspace? yes, but I prefer to call it myspaz...
Alan Wilder > He owns loads of vintage gtrs and amps
Alan Wilder > Finding out that Joe was such a great player was a real bonus
Alan Wilder > Reminds me a cross between Talk Talk and King Crimson
Alan Wilder > This is the jam section coming up
Alan Wilder > What's a mambo? A voodoo princess -- ooh, creepy....
Alan Wilder > About the ambient version of LP - it seemed like a good idea because there are so many sounds that don't always get exposed. Value for money!!
Alan Wilder > Even though there is a lot of religion here - I'm into science. i don't follow a religion
Alan Wilder > Originally Joe did a complete vocal for this track
Alan Wilder > Live performance - probably not. But go and see Joe - I've told him to play them!
Alan Wilder > Apparently, there is a backlog of about 1000 questions. Oops
Alan Wilder > People are asking about film work. yes - I'd like to do some - so come on Fincher, get on the phone... seriously, I would be up for it.
Alan Wilder > I don't have any favourite tracks on this album - honest.
Alan Wilder > Ok - yes I do have some spare time but that's when Hep tells me to wash up
Alan Wilder > What spare time?
souflorida > Do you listen to electronic music in your spare time?
Alan Wilder > I think the chat has gone wonky again - sorry
Alan Wilder > samples marco? I didn't hear any...
Marco > In "Allelujah" I heard a loop taken from from Rubycon, by Tangerine Dream, it's right?? Are there other particular different loop-sources from varoius artists in subHuman?
Alan Wilder > I mean the dodgy bits! Ha
Alan Wilder > I'm not releasing my multitracks - you'll hear all my secrets!
Alan Wilder > The Texas session was a lot of fun. Hep, PK and I went for a week and we managed to explore the town for a night! We also saw Joe's band play live. In fact if you're near to Austin, go and see him...
OrrinQuest > Joe's voice reminds me Bukka White's... I know you found him by google. But I think you also liked his voice for that. Am I wrong ?
JoshRecoil > Was subHuman the most fun Recoil album to make, or was it the hardest since you had to learn new technology?
juliengb > Some electronics artists release their multitracks on the web and allow unknowned people to remix their files. What's your opinion on this, Alan ?
Alan Wilder > no plans to work with those two at the moment - but it's early days to talk about next LP
Alan Wilder > The technical side of things these days made it perhaps a longer process because of all the choice - but you still need ideas of course
notmyernie > this track goes far beyond what I thought or could imagine-it is amazing! any further collaborative efforts with sonya or siobhan?
Alan Wilder > As many of you know, I typed into google 'blues singer' and up popped Joe!
Alan Wilder > i can't see your questions at the moment. The blues elements are very strong on this LP. It was just a natural thing for me. That's the way the Lp developed so I went with it.
Alan Wilder > Some technical issues at the moment - sorry
Alan Wilder > Some technical issues at the moment - sorry
Alan Wilder > You're not supposed to admit you download the Lp illegally!
Alan Wilder > After hearing Joe's playing, I'd be stupid to even attempt gtr! I didn't play any drums either, before you ask
ControlF > did you play any guitars by YOURSELF on this album?
Alan Wilder > there are some re-used DM sounds - and I'm not apologising for that!
skywalker > as good as i could heard it from the downloaded SubHuman (sorry... :) ), there are lots of effects from SOFAD, especially from In Your Room (in allelujah), and from Higher Love. Am I right?
Marco > Alan, on this album do you worked mostly on software or on hardware synthesizers?
Alan Wilder > sorry for the shit typing
Alan Wilder > Yes - after the basic track was done, in Texas, Joe's band played along and then I re-wroker theri performance into my track.
Jonny75 > Did you have a 'band' jamming on this record as with Liquid?
Alan Wilder > No strings on this one. Well, not many
cHris Ire > Oh My God!!! This sound is brillant.... but I am wainting for the magic strings...
Alan Wilder > Depends - can be anything. usually a loop and then another loop and so on until the atmosphere starts to evolve
Cralle > Alan, can you elaborate a little bit on how you compose/construct your music. Do you typically start with a bass/drum line, or where do you start "messing around" with sounds?
Alan Wilder > Yes I'm alive thankfully
concerthea > Hello there Mr. Wilder, good to see you alive and kicking :D
molokoplus > This is an historic moment for the Recoil fans, thanx to the Boss.
Hiro > Hello From Japan !!!
molokoplus > Hi from Mexico City
alexrows > good evening, bucharest!
Halo > Hello from Spain!
dubnspace > hello from pasadena,CA is the video supposed to be showing anything right now?
hyperslug > hello from Herning, Denmark
Marco > Hello Alan! It's a honor to meet you!! Greetings from Italy!
alex davie > nice to see you online, Alan )
subHuman > Good evening Mr. Wilder. This is Lisa. And at first i must say that i heard a track from subhuman on youtube and it is really good.
Incubus. > We are Hungarians:) I am the Greatest fan of Hungary:)
Stephanie > Thanks for taking the time to chat with us!
Vodkaman > Hi from copenhagen
Vale > Hi guys!!!!! We're two girls from Turin Italy!!!!!
Alan Wilder > Hello everyone. This is Alan. I'm now in the chat room and will start answering your q's very soon. Enjoy!
Stephanie > greetings from my office in Massachusetts, USA
skywalker > umm... hello from HUNGARY!
bongmute > hello everybody :)
Mike75 > Hi there from Zurich
Iris > Hello from Germany! Yes, it's a bit like Eurovision. :-)
karambol > hello from vitr?
early kon > hello from USA
dropdead > good evening from sweden =)
scoxdublin > hello from Ireland
Nosferatu > Hi everyone, craig here form England
Rich > hello, this is Ricardo from Mexico, and RECOIL TOUR CAMPAIGN
KM > hi everyone form Prague.
Yurka > Alan, best regards from rainy Moscow :)
Recoilogy > hello from Italy!
morvan > Hello from Paris and thanks to Alan for this!
quelle72 > Hello from Canada!
skywalker > good evening everybody
Vega > Hallo from Italy
Lontra > Wow! A european convention...
alex davie > so we are waiting patiently for Boss :)
Incubus. > Hello everybody I'm Gabriella from Hungary
devotee > Hi Everybody from Poland
alexrows > hello
JAponiec > I am from Poland, too
laurentiu > hi from romania! salutare, oberkorn
steff > hi from russian AW fans!
BlueLove > Good evening from Brighton
KM > hi, is this Recoil party :)
DQ7 > It's a bit like the Eurovision this
falcon > hi from prievidza, slovakia!!!
petak2 > Hi everybody.see everybody people from this chat on recoil release party 9.7 in prague?
Hiero > Hello from Tours
whitefox70 > Hi,everybody , from Milan!!!
alex davie > hi everybody! ) *electric* greetings from Moscow, Russia :)
malfoy 2 > hello
chriss101 > hello from Poland!
sturm > hi from worthing uk!
subHuman > hi all
sophie > Hello from Paris
oberkorn > hello from Romania
bcn sonar > good evening from barcelona
Incubus. > Hello csicsa:)
JAponiec > hello
steveo > hi from london
rafeek > hallo from poland!!!
sin > hi
LACUS > Hello from Hungary!
Recoiline > Hi there people ;)
Oliver > test
deckard > hello to all from Berlin!
dropdead > Hello
DQ7 > Hello from Dublin
Jabadabadu > hi ho
mazzy77 > hello to you all
Tracey > Hi all!
djkeltxo > Good evening from Spain
Lontra > Good evening everybody...greetings from Rome
mazzy77 > Hi Alan just wanted to say how wonderful it is to be chatting , is there a chance of a RECOIL tour in the future, and would you ever concider joining the Depeche boys for a .reunion .gig mazzy xxx
Moody > Are there many songs that didn't make the album that will be released on future releases
LACUS > Hello Everyone!
Ida > Hello
JoshRecoil > Hello room
Vodkaman > Hello everybody
Csicsa > Good evening
Marco > Good evening!!
TRISTAN > hola sr wilder
devote101 > HI
Lionel > We're now ready for the chat. Please wait.