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Пресс-релизы | Recoil's new album - subHuman (Press Release)
2007 / Mute Records

After a 6 year break from recording, musician/producer Alan Wilder returns with Recoil's 5th studio album. Entitled 'subHuman', it has been provisionally set for release on July 2nd, 2007.

'subHuman' will be available on CD and limited edition gatefold vinyl. A special collector's DVD package will also be issued to include an enhanced stereo CD, a 5.1 Surround Sound version and an exclusive ambient re-working of the entire album. The DVD will also include all the Recoil videos to date.

Collaborating with Recoil is Blues-man Joe Richardson, whose evocative vocal style is complimented by accomplished guitar and harmonica performances. Born in Southern Louisiana, Richardson spent years immersed in the murkier side of New Orleans life and offers a unique commentary on conflict, incarceration and personal struggle.

English singer Carla Trevaskis, a songwriter in her own right, brings an expressive range and control to 'subHuman' and has worked with artists as diverse as Fred de Faye (Eurythmics), Cliff Hewitt (Apollo 440) and Dave McDonald (Portishead).

Wilder's skill at blending diverse and eclectic musical styles with often controversial subjects has produced an album of complex sonic imagery and expansive dynamic range. 'subHuman' asks us to reach within ourselves and extract the very essence of what makes us human - and more importantly what allows us to subordinate others, sometimes with the most brutal consequences. We're all 'subHuman' in somebody's eyes.

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