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Пресс-релизы | Depeche Mode World Tour (Press Release)
Depeche Mode World Tour
Dusseldorf, Germany, 16 June 2005

Depeche Mode today announce their 2005 - 2006 World Tour, their first in almost five years. The band will be showcasing tracks from their eagerly anticipated new album (produced by Ben Hillier), as well as performing some of their greatest hits.

One of the biggest bands in the world today, and renowned for their groundbreaking live performances, this Depeche Mode concert series will undoubtedly be one of the highlights of touring.

Prior to their European tour, Depeche Mode will undertake a six week American tour this autumn, before heading to Europe in 2006.

Depeche Mode last toured in 2001 with "Exciter". The band played an incredible 85 shows to sellout audiences of nearly two million people.

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