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Дискография | Трибьюты | Children Of Depeche Mode
Children Of Depeche Mode - Французский трибьют

Страна: Франция
Релиз: 19 мая 2003 года
Лэйбл: Diff Records
Каталожный номер: PM 26-00317
Список песен:

01. Naveed - It's No Good
02. Re:mind - Leave In Silence
03. Death Nature - Shake The Disease
04. PlimPlim - The Sun And The Rainfall
05. Difference - Behind The Wheel
06. Celluloide - Somebody
07. Aleni - I Am You
08. Communication Zero - The Things You Said
09. Foretaste -The Bottom Line
10. Jadisaltimbang - Policy Of Truth
11. Antigluck + Dip - World Full Of Nothing
12. Dead Souls Rising - Enjoy The Silence
13. Stone Cold - To Have And Hold
14. Foretaste - Easy Tiger (bonus track)

Страничка трибьюта на MySpace - www.myspace.com/childrenofdepechemode
Сайт трибьюта - www.frenchtribute.fr.st

The first French tribute of the history of Depeche Mode made by the new “french touch” generation. Much more than one simple homage to Depeche Mode, this album is the reflection of a new generation of independent artists which grew with the sound of DM. The tracks of this album are not copies from the original songs but new reinterpretations talented, original and sometimes surprising. Each artists have treated the sound with its manner and with its own style. It is a true pleasure to rediscovering the songs of DM.

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