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Дискография | Трибьюты | For The Masses
For The Masses
An Album of Depeche Mode Songs
Страна: США
Релиз: 04 Августа 1998 года
Лэйбл: 1500 Records, a PolyGram company
  Список песен:
01. The Smashing Pumpkins "Never Let Me Down Again"
02. God Lives Underwater "Fly On The Windscreen"
03. Failure "Enjoy The Silence"
04. The Cure "World In My Eyes"
05. Dishwalla "Policy Of Truth"
06. Veruca Salt "Somebody"
07. Meat Beat Manifesto "Everything Counts"
08. Hooverphonic "Shake The Disease"
09. Locust "Master And Servant"
10. Self "Shame"
11. Monster Magnet "Black Celebration"
12. Rabbit In The Moon "Waiting For The Night"
13. Apollo Four Forty "I Feel You"
14. Gus Gus "Monument"
15. Deftones "To Have And To Hold"
16. Rammstein "Stripped"

All songs written by Martin Gore and published by EMI Blackwood Music Inc. (BMI)/EMI Music Publishing Ltd. (PRS)/Grabbing Hands Music (PRS).

This compilation ©1998 1500 Records, a PolyGram company

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