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Кауфман (26.04.2005 15:23)
With the Depeche camp remaining conspicously quiet there's little, if any, real news these days. But that isn't to say there's no new info at all. You just need to take it with a grain of salt is all. But do read on...
With Depeche Mode heading back into the studio shortly, to continue work on their upcoming album, it is not yet known how many songs the two songwriters have penned during the break. The upcoming sessions, due to start within the next couple of weeks will take place in Santa Barbara, and take us well into the month of May.

The album is still slated for a tentative November release, with a tour following immediately after. The tour will most likely kick off in the States in late 2005, and hit Europe in 2006. Still no word on the band hitting any other continents, but that's not to say they won't.

And now to kill a few rumours before they get out of hand. Yes, the next single will be Bong35 (d'uh!). No, the title of the new single is NOT "In The Sky" (or any of the other "Sky" variations). No, Fletch is NOT appearing in Playgirl (that was apparantly an April fools prank that debuted a few days early). Reports of venues being booked for the upcoming tour (specifically the Spectrum in Oslo, Norway and the Pavilhao Atlantico in Lisbon, Portugal) are still uncomfirmed. Whether or not there's any merrit to these claims remains to be seen, but the timing certainly isn't too far off.

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