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Gore/Stefani collaboration out before Xmas Список тем форума

! (18.08.2005 13:31)
The much talked about collaboration between No Doubt's leading lady gone solo, Gwen Stefani, and Depeche Mode's Martin Gore finally got a spot on the Universal release plan.

According to an interview with Australian newspaper The Mercury, Gwen is putting the final touches on the album, and will unleash this puppy as a companion album to her debut Love Angel Music Baby, which came out in November of 2004. The debut album was such an extended creative process that Stefani has enough for several albums.

She's compiling the best of the unreleased songs and has plans to release them as a companion album at Christmas. One song, Wonderful Life for Him, features Depeche Mode's Martin Gore on guitar. It's especially poignant, as the song was written about the first boy Stefani ever kissed, who has since died.

"He was a huge Depeche Mode fan," she says. "He actually turned me onto them. I was really into Madness. I was, like, 'Depeche Mode? That's electronic weirdo music'. My friend would not believe Martin Gore is playing on this song I wrote him."

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