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PTA Lyrics (complete) - part3 Список тем форума

1 (9.09.2005 10:45)

Just give me a reason, some kind of sign
I’ll need a miracle to help me this time
I heard what you said, and I feel the same
I know in my heart that I’ll have to change

Even the stars look brighter tonight
Nothing’s impossible
I still believe in love at first sight
Nothing’s impossible

How did we get to be this far apart?
How did we get to be this far apart?
I want to be with you, something to share
I want to be near you, (words muddled)

Even the stars look brighter tonight
Nothing’s impossible
I still believe in love at first sight
Nothing’s impossible
Even the stars look brighter tonight
Nothing’s impossible
If you believe in love at first sight
Nothing’s impossible

I still believe in love at first sight
Nothing’s impossible


We’re damaged people
Drawn together
By subtleties that we are not aware of

Disturbed souls
Playing out forever
These games that we once thought we would be scared of

When you’re in my arms
The world makes sense
There is no pretense
And you’re crying
When you’re by my side
There is no defense
I forget to sense I’m dying

We’re damaged people
Praying for something
That doesn’t come from somewhere deep inside us

Depraved souls
Trusting in the one thing
The one thing that this life has not denied us

When I feel the warmth
Of your very soul
I forget I’m cold
And crying
When your lips touch mine
And I lose control
I forget I’m old and dying


Oh, Lillian
Look what you’ve done
You’ve stripped my heart
Ripped it apart in the name of fun
Oh, Lillian
I’m a poor man’s son
And precious jewels
Weren’t found in schools where I came from

Pain and misery always hit the spot
Knowing you can’t lose what you haven’t got

Oh, Lillian
I should have run
I should have known each dress you own is a loaded gun
Oh, Lillian

Oh, Lillian
I need protection
I hear your voice and any choice I had is gone
Oh, Lillian
Once I begun
I couldn’t stop ‘til every drop of blood was sunk

Pain and misery always hit the spot
Knowing you can’t lose what you haven’t got

Oh, Lillian
Look what you’ve done
You stripped my heart
Ripped it apart
In the name of fun

Oh, Lillian
Oh, Lillian
Oh, Lillian
Oh, Lillian


Oh you sad one
Playing the Angel
Isn’t so easy where you’re from

Oh you wild one
Devil’s companion
You won’t stay satisfied for long

I don’t want you to change
Anything you do

I don’t want you to be
Something else for me

Oh you dark one
Eternal outsider
Caught in the spider’s web you’ve spun

Oh you blind one
Gentle and kind one
Seeing the world as a loaded gun

I don’t want you to change
Anything you do

I don’t want you to be
Someone else for me

Stay as you are
The Darkest Star

Shining for me

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