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PTA Lyrics (complete) - part2 Список тем форума

1 (9.09.2005 10:47)

Precious and fragile things
Need special handling
My god what have we done to you?

We always tried to share
The tenderest of care
Now look what we have put you through

Things get damaged
Things get broken
I thought we’d managed
But words left unspoken
Left us so brittle
There was so little left to give

Angels with silver wings
Shouldn’t know suffering
I wish I could take the pain for you

If god has a master plan
That only He understands
I hope it’s your eyes he’s seeing through

Things get damaged
Things get broken
I thought we’d managed
But words left unspoken
Left us so brittle
There was so little left to give

I pray you learn to trust
Have faith in both of us
And keep room in your hearts for two

Things get damaged
Things get broken
I thought we’d managed
But words left unspoken
Left us so brittle
There was so little left to give


Overflowing senses
Heighten ...???
I hear my blood flow
I feel its caress
Whispering cosmos
Talking right to me
Unlimited, endless
God breathing through me

See the microcosm
In macrovision
Our bodies moving
With pure precision
One universal
One evolution
One creation

Thundering river
Pounding within me
Driving me onwards
Forcing me to see
Clear and enlightening
Right there before me
Brilliantly shining
Intricate beauty

See the microcosm
In macrovision
Our bodies moving
With pure precision
One universal
One evolution
One creation

(Chorus repeats)


I see a river
It’s oceans that I want
You have to give me everything
Everything’s not enough

It’s my desire
To give myself to you

Sometimes I try
Sometimes I lie, with you
Sometimes I cry
Sometimes I die, it’s true
Somewhere I find
Something that’s kind

And I’ve crossed the line again
A line I drew in sand
Still you give me everything
And everything’s not enough

I’m ready but not willing
To give myself to you

Sometimes I try
Sometimes I lie, with you
Sometimes I cry
Sometimes I die, it’s true
Somewhere I find
Something that’s kind

Come on over
Lay down beside me
And I’ll try
Come on over
Lay down beside me
And I’ll try
And I’ll try

(I want it all)

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