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Exciter - REMASTERED Dave Gahan - Kingdom

PTA Lyrics (complete) - part1 Список тем форума

1 (9.09.2005 10:48)

Where were you when I fell from grace?
Frozen heart, an empty space
Something’s changing, it’s in your eyes
Please don’t speak, you’ll only lie

I found treasure not where I thought
Peace of mind can’t be bought
Still I believe

I just hang on
Suffer well
Sometimes it’s hard
It’s hard to tell

An angel led me when I was blind
I said take me back, I’ve changed my mind
Now I believe
From the blackest room, I was torn
He called my name, a love was born
So I believe

I just hang on
Suffer well
Sometimes it’s hard
It’s hard to tell

I just hang on
Suffer well
Sometimes it’s hard
So hard to tell


If I could just hide the sinner inside
And keep him denied
How sweet life would be
If I could be free
From the sinner in me

I’ll never be a saint
It’s not a picture that your memory paints
Not renowned for my patience
I’m not renowned for my restraint
But you’re always around
You can always be found
To pick me up when I’m on the ground

If I could just hide the sinner inside
And keep him denied
How sweet life would be
If I could be free
From the sinner in me

I’m still recovering
Still getting over all the suffering
More known for my anger than for any other thing
But you’ve always tried
To be by my side
And catch my fall when I start to slide

If I could just hide the sinner inside
And keep him denied
How sweet life would be
If I could be free
From the sinner in me

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