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Strangelover (15.10.2003 14:56)
New Depeche Mode Album In 2004

In a video interview with Depechemodeitalia.com on September 28th in Rome, Andrew Fletcher has revealed that the band is to hand over a first demo with new material to Mute label boss Daniel Miller somewhere in November 2003. He confirms that Martin has started writing his first new material in two years time. The studio sessions should then start in March / April of 2004. During the interview, the rather negative comments from Dave Gahan towards Depeche Mode were also touched. The meaningful answer to this from Fletcher: "His bark is worse than his bite...". And he continues by saying that for the next album, there might be some songs of Dave on it, if they are good enough "because on his solo album there were a couple of songs that might be good enough for a next Depeche Mode album". At the same time, Fletcher says that he seriously thinks that Depeche Mode will only have 1 or two more albums left up their sleeves, after that it's finished. The video interview furthermore handles Client, the way of recording these days and of course Depeche Mode. Fletcher was in Rome for a DJ-set at the Bitz festivar. You can view the video interview online at the link below. Also check the interviews we had with Dave gahan (Side-Line # 44) and Andy Fletcher (Side-Line # 42).
Судя по всему 1 или два альбома максимум нам ждать и все...

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