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Dave Gahan новое лицо дизайнера-J.Lindeberga Список тем форума

кузя (20.10.2005 20:17)
Можете глянуть во что Дейв нарядится в тур!;)))

Dave Gahan of Depeche Mode and Alison Mosshart of The Kills to be New Faces of J.Lindeberg's 21st Century Statements SS06 Campaign

LONDON, October 20 /PRNewswire/ -- 21st century life style brand J.Lindeberg announces Dave Gahan of Depeche Mode and Alison Mosshart of The Kills to be the new faces of their 21st Century Statements campaign for Spring Summer 2006, shot by cult photographer Steven Klein. The already iconic and ground-breaking advertising concept, currently featuring Juliette Lewis and Carl Barat, bestows upon the artists a way to convey their personal thoughts, emotions and opinions, thus enabling the individual to contribute not only through their physical appearance but also through intellectual involvement.

Additionally, Johan Lindeberg has designed Dave Gahan's stage clothing which Dave will be wearing throughout Depeche Mode's up-coming 'Playing the Angel' world tour, music videos and press appearances thus Dave becoming the source of inspiration for the pre Fall/Winter'06 J.Lindeberg main line collection. The designs include suits, waistcoats, t-shirts, shirts and belts and feature graphic prints inspired by Dave Gahan's tattoos.

Dave Gahan says: "We're a good fit. Johan has been designing all my stage clothes; I've always loved his designs. I thought last season's Juliette Lewis and Carl Barat campaign was very effective and I'm excited about being involved with the 21st Century Statements campaign."

The relationship between J.Lindeberg and Dave Gahan is one of mutual respect. Creative Director Johan Lindeberg says, "It was very inspiring to create an entire wardrobe for Dave and to work with him and Alison Mosshart on our SS06 campaign. I feel very connected with Dave as we both like to dress and express ourselves in the same way. I've always liked the dark and painful expression of Depeche Mode, still with a lot of light and hope."

Established in 1996 by Johan Lindeberg in New York and Stockholm - J.Lindeberg includes J.Lindeberg Concept, Progressive Tailoring, j.lindeberg.denim and Future Sports. With 10 flagship stores and distribution in over 25 countries, Johan's vision to create THE 21st Century lifestyle brand for the modern consumer is fast becoming a reality.


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