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Dave Gahan - Saw Something Dave Gahan - Kingdom

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Zhidman (11.12.2003 22:57)
Происходит. It seems that the Depeche Mode members have entered yet another nasty party. In an interview for the french magazine Elegy, Martin Lee Gore was less than amused by the recent ventilations of DM frontman Dave Gahan: "With all I hear everywhere, he implies to such a point that he doesn't want to be part of Depeche Mode anymore, that he doesn't want my songs anymore. Well, if he doesn't want to do it anymore, he can do another thing." And he adds: "I've read the interviews. He does not talk straight to me. He does not talk to me, he talks to the media." (Translation: martingore.net) Martin is not the first one to show his disapproval of Dave Gahan's 'bigmouthing' during presstalks. Earlier on also Andy Fletcher expressed his anger about the comments Dave Gahan had made (see: "Depeche Mode back in studio in Spring 2004 for final album ever?"). Furthermore, in indiscretions to Side-Line from several people close to the band, it has become clear that there's an overall feeling of unbelieve, anger and frustration. One person described it like this: "It has become increasingly difficult for Andy and Martin to respond to all the stuff Dave has been talking about. They keep calm but they will definitely discuss this when they meet up with Dave as this is no basis to start work on a new album." More news as we get it. Out right now is the 2DVD set "101", memories of the good old time when all was peace.

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