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Алан Вайдлер запоет и поедет в мировой тур ! Список тем форума

сосо (23.11.2005 14:03)
In 2005, Depeche Mode fan site Empty World reported that Wilder was going back into the studio to work on a further Recoil project. Also according to Side-Line, plans may be in the pipeline to re-work Depeche Mode's back catalogue and bring it up-to-date. Alan Wilder is said to be interested in participating in this process.

In a recent interview for the official Recoil website, Wilder confirmed the rumours that he briefly visited Depeche Mode in Santa Barbara earlier this year. However,he did not play on any tracks. In the interview, he also revealed that his next album(provisionally scheduled for a summer 2006 release) would emcompass a more pop slant than his previous outings. " I have about 10 tracks that I'm working on at the moment." Wilder will also sing lead vocals for the first time in his career. "There are a couple tracks where I just need to sing for myself...sort of a personal thing". Asked about possible live tours, Wilder replied, "A tour could possibly happen...depending on the album's success. I would like to rework a couple of the older Recoil and Depeche numbers. Actually,I'm working on an updated version of "Lanscape is Changing" and "Two Minute Warning" for live use on which I sing vocals." Nicole Blackman could also be involved as the band's lead vocalist, according to Wilder.

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