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CD-кейсы на 24 диска Dave Gahan - Hourglass

Когда откроют бутик J. Lindeberg Список тем форума

Zyama (23.03.2006 17:46)
Судя по всему, они в бешеном восторге друг от друга. The relationship between J.Lindeberg and Dave Gahan is one of mutual respect. Creative Director Johan Lindeberg says, "It was very inspiring to create an entire wardrobe for Dave and to work with him on our SS06 campaign. I feel very connected with Dave as we both like to dress and express ourselves in the same way. I've always liked the dark and painful expression of Depeche Mode, still with a lot of light and hope." Dave Gahan says: "We're a good fit. I've always loved J.Lindeberg's designs."

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