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Dave Gahan live in LA 11.05.2007 Список тем форума

DonaldMetrofanov (28.03.2007 18:47)
Dave Gahan live in LA 11.05.2007
Dave Gahan will be performing at the Third Annual MusiCares MAP Fund(SM) Benefit Concert on May 11 to Honor Chris Cornell and Jeff McClusky

Third Annual MusiCares MAP Fund(SM) Benefit Concert on May 11 to Honor Chris Cornell and Jeff McClusky.

Concert Event At The Music Box @ Fonda In Hollywood Supports MusiCares(R) Addiction Recovery Services.

SANTA MONICA, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The third annual MusiCares MAP Fund(SM) benefit concert, honoring two-time GRAMMYR-winning singer/songwriter Chris Cornell and legendary independent music promoter Jeff McClusky, will be held on Fri., May 11, 2007, at The Music Box @ Fonda, 6126 Hollywood Blvd., Hollywood, Calif. All proceeds will benefit the MusiCares MAP Fund, which provides members of the music community access to addiction recovery treatment regardless of their financial situation. The benefit is sponsored in part by Gibson Foundation.

Cornell will be honored as the recipient of the Stevie Ray Vaughan Award for his dedication and support of the MusiCares MAP Fund and his devotion to helping other addicts with the recovery process. McClusky will be the recipient of the MusiCaresR From the Heart Award for his unconditional friendship and dedication to the mission and goals of the organization. The evening will feature a buffet dinner and performances by Army of Anyone featuring Richard Patrick from Filter, Dean and Robert DeLeo of Stone Temple Pilots and Ray Luzier; David Gahan of Depeche Mode with Victor Indrizzo (Beck and Macy Gray), Vincent Jones (Sarah McLachlan) and Martyn LeNoble (Porno for Pyros, Janes Addiction and the Cult); Gary Lucas (Captain Beefheart and Gods And Monsters); and Kenny Wayne Shepherd with Noah Hunt and Double Trouble's Chris Layton and Tommy Shannon. Actor, stand-up comedian, musician and singer Tommy Davidson will serve as master of ceremonies. In addition, the evening will feature a special performance by Cornell, who will release the 13th album of his career, Carry On, on June 5. A range of other artists and special guests will be announced at a later date. Out of respect for the clients the MusiCares MAP Fund serves, the event will be alcohol-free.

"Each year, the MusiCares MAP Fund benefit concert honors individuals in our community who help focus attention on the critical problems of addiction in our industry and who work to help music people in need," said MusiCares and Recording Academy President Neil Portnow. "This heartfelt and uplifting event helps to shed light on the important resources available through the MusiCares MAP Fund, and encourages people to seek our help. We thank Chris and Jeff for being strong champions of our cause."

Tickets are offered at three price levels: floor placement in a private living room grouping of 10 for $10,000; floor seating for $1,000 each; and balcony seating for $100 each.

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