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Dave Gahan - Saw Something Российский Индустриальный Трибьют

Dave 2007 Список тем форума

500 (23.07.2007 19:53)
17.07.07 Side-Line can reveal that Depeche Mode member Dave Gahan has contributed vocals to the "Mirror" project of Tom Anselmi (ex-Slow vocalist) and keyboardist Vincent Jones who also worked on Gahan's live DVD "Live Monsters". "Mirror" was written by Tom Anselmi and was produced, recorded and mixed by Jones who also took care of the programming and playing instruments. The release holds a couple of special guests including Depeche Mode vocalist Dave Gahan who can be heard on the song "Nostalgia". Also included on that track is Mike Garson (Bowie's pianist for many years) who plays piano. Jones describes the track as follows: "it's electronc, it's orchestral, it's old, it's new, very powerful." Knox Chandler also makes a brief apperarance on the album just like American actor Joe Dallesandro. The latter is known from several Warhol films, was portrayed as the money-minded "Little Joe" in Lou Reed's hit 1972 song "Walk on the Wild Side" and also featured on the cover of The Smiths' eponymous debut album. In related news, Vincent jones confirms us that there will be a "very unique live show" planned for the project. Vincent Jones, a Canadian musician, was a member of The Grapes of Wrath and Ginger, and a frequent collaborator with Lava Hay. Following Ginger's breakup, Jones became a session musician, and producer,appearing on live albums by Sarah McLachlan and David Gahan, and studio albums by Mystery Machine, Cowboy Junkies, Monster Magnet, Rose Chronicles and Bruce McCulloch. Дешевка!!!!

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