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Люди, КУ-КУ!!!!!Depeche Mode are back in the studio! Список тем форума

vova242 (7.05.2008 19:38)
Depeche Mode are back in the studio!<br />
// 07.05.08 14:49 // <br />
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It’s finally happening! Work has begun! The new Depeche Mode album is now under way! Yes, you’re reading this, and it’s real! Yay!<br />
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Last night sources close to the band informed us that studio work has begun. The band and their production team met up in California late last week and began the first set of studio sessions on Monday, May 5th.<br />
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Sessions are tentatively scheduled to wrap up in late Autumn, leaving time for mixing and mastering in time for a March ‘09 release.<br />
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Touring is still being penned - expect to hear more on this nearer the completion of the album.<br />
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Till then, rejoice! <br />
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З.Ы. Цитата из http://forum.dep-mod.ru<br />

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