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Depeche Mode singer asks to appear on frYars debut Список тем форума

Snegovik Morozovich, snegovik1988@mail.ru (5.11.2008 20:46)
Открыл я www.nme.com и вижу презабавную картину (новости от 5 ноября):

Fryars have got Depeche Mode's Dave Gahan to sing on debut album 'Dark Young Hearts' after a chance studio encounter.
Speaking to NME.COM, Ben Garrett explained that the veteran has contributed vocals to a track called 'Visitor', after walking in while producer and ex-Clor guitarist Luke Smith was working on the song in his New York studio.
"Basically, Luke was doing stuff with Ben Hillier on Depeche Mode's album and Dave came in while they were on down time, heard my music and really loved it and asked to sing on it," Garrett explained. "I'm really excited about it, and when I go over to America we might even do something live together."
The track is set to be made available as a download on myspace.com/fryars ahead of the album's release next year.

Для тех, кто ничего не понял, вкратце: Дэйв запишет вокал для композиции Visitor с дебютного альбома группы frYars.
Я там же посмотрел видео этой группы, весёленькие такие ребята :)

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