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Лирика | Dangerous

Вокал: David Gahan
Автор: Martin L. Gore
Присутствует на: сингле "Personal Jesus" - (b side)

The things you do
Aren't good for my health
The moves you make
You make for yourself
The means you use
Aren't meant to confuse
Although they do
They're the ones that I would choose

And I wouldn't want it any other way
You wouldn't let me anyway

The way you leave me wanting more
That's what I want you for
When I am in your arms
Know I will come to harm

The lies you tell
Aren't meant to deceive
They're not there
For me to believe
I've heard
Your vicious words
You know by now
It takes a lot to see me hurt

And I couldn't take it any other way
But there's a price I have to pay

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