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Лирика | Dreaming Of Me
Dreaming Of Me

Вокал: David Gahan
Автор: Vince Clarke
Присутствует на: альбоме "Speak And Spell", альбоме "Catching Up With Depeche Mode", альбоме "The Singles 81-85", сингле "Dreaming Of Me"

Light switch
Man switch
Film was broken only then
All the night
Fused tomorrow
Dancing with a distant friend

Filming and screning
I picture the scene
Filming and dreaming
Dreaming of me

So we left
Cleancut so we're sounding fast
Talked of sad
I talked of war
I laughed and climbed the rising cast

Quickly I remembered
Fused and saw a face before
Timing reason
Like association hall

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