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Лирика | Fly On The Windscreen
Fly On The Windscreen

Вокал: David Gahan
Автор: Martin L. Gore
Присутствует на: альбоме "Catching Up With Depeche Mode", альбоме "Black Celebration", сингле "It's Called A Heart"

Death is everywhere
There are flies on the windscreen
For a start
Reminding us
We could be torn apart

Death is everywhere
There are lambs for the slaughter
Waiting to die
And I can sense
The hours slipping by

Come here
Kiss me
Come here
Kiss me

Death is everywhere
The more I look
The more I see
The more I feel
A sense of urgency

Come here
Touch me
Kiss me
Touch me
Touch me
Touch me

There are flies on the windscreen
There are lambs for the slaughter
There are flies on the windscreen

Come here
Touch me
Kiss me
Touch me
Touch me
Touch me

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