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Лирика | Black And Blue Again
Black And Blue Again

Вокал: David Gahan
Автор: Dave Gahan / Knox Chandler
Присутствует на: альбоме "Paper Monsters"

I'm back in the room with the two way door
I don't know where it is sure been there before
The thoughts in my head I just can't describe
They're too insane all outside

All my apologies have been used up
All my words are not enough
I'm asking you on my knees
Look inside me I'm black and blue again
Black and blue again

Do you remember we were such good friends
Now we're back in the ring fighting again
The taste that's in my mouth you see
It's not very nice screaming at you
There's tears in your eyes

I'm not very nice
You see I'm not very nice
You said I'm not very nice
You know I'm not very nice

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