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Лирика | Breathe

Вокал: David Gahan
Автор: Dave Gahan / Knox Chandler
Присутствует на: альбоме "Paper Monsters", сингле "I Need You"

A sudden calm inside of me
Now everything is better
Together in a safe warm place
I remember when I met you
I took your hand
You guided me
Even felt much clever
Bought your love
Soft and white
Just a soft pink letter

Breathe for me
Breathe for me
Breathe for me
We can be together
If you breathe for me

All the trees have lost their leaves
ItO~s hard to lift my eyes
HavenO~t seen the sun for weeks now
Is it day or night

CanO~t remember where I met you
DonO~t know if IO~m here
Think I need a little help to
Take away my fear

Breathe for me
Breathe for me
Breathe for me
We can be together
If you breathe for me

Breathe for me
Breathe for me
Breathe for me
Put your hands in my hands
You can bleed for me

Could you breathe for me?

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