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Лирика | Endless

Вокал: David Gahan
Автор: Dave Gahan / Christian Eigner / Andrew Phillpott
Присутствует на: альбоме "Hourglass"

In the cold of the full moon
On this night
Time itself it slips away
Now you are mine
Slowly hours pass
All through the night
Together we can disappear
For a while

I am still
Forever and ever and ever
Now I am still
Forever and ever and ever
Now I am still
Your body is endless

Watching the hourglass
On that night
We touched the stars
And reached the moon
For a time
I'm lost in a moment with you
It feels right
We're floating above the stars
You and I

I am still
Forever and ever and ever
Now I am still
Forever and ever and ever
Now I am still
Your body is endless

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