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Лирика | Goodbye

Вокал: David Gahan
Автор: Dave Gahan / Knox Chandler
Присутствует на: альбоме "Paper Monsters"

It isn't very hard to see from where I stand
There's no one to blame
I opened up my eyes to see a world
With so much pleasure not pain
As she looked into my eyes
I knew I might not see her again
We're changing and it's hard for me
To stay the same

She, answers all the questions
Things I find so very hard to say
She, as I closed my eyes
I heard her whisper goodbye
All these questions that I'm asking
Feel very foolish anyway, goodbye
As I turned the corner I heard her whisper again
Goodbye is what she said

I loved her from the first time we kissed
She taste so great
She lit another candle and slowly
Fell into the flame

She, answers all the questions
Things I find so very hard to say
She, as I closed my eyes
I heard her whisper goodbye
All these questions that I'm asking
Feel very foolish anyway, goodbye
As I turned the corner I heard her whisper again
Goodbye is what she said

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