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Лирика | Love Will Leave
Love Will Leave

Вокал: David Gahan
Автор: Dave Gahan / Christian Eigner / Andrew Phillpott
Присутствует на: альбоме "Hourglass", сингле "Saw Something"

Love will leave you
cold and lonely
love will lift you
up to the sky
break your heart
all so slowly
never give a reason why

in time

we all want to be hurt
wasting precious time
it all seems so absurd
you had your chance now wait in line

you said your words
they sound so holy
you can have me if you like

don’t pretend
that you know me
there is no reason why

in time

in time

we all want to be hurt
wasting precious time
it all seems so absurd
you had your chance now wait in line

we all want to be hurt
wasting precious time
it all seems so absurd
you had your chance now wait in line

So wait in line

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