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Лирика | Nostalgia

Вокал: David Gahan
Автор: Thomas Anselmi
Присутствует на: альбоме Mirror "Mirror"

As a thirst becomes a sickness
And desire is all you feel
A photograph that made us laugh
Now your skin has such a thickness
That you can’t tell what is real

It’s a feeling like nostalgia
Keeps me turning back to you
And a feeling like nostalgia
For the dreams that we once knew
If you’re feeling like
What we were feeling is through
Why do I feel nostalgia?
Why do I feel nostalgia?
Like you

We were running to the future
When we fell into the past
A memory
When our lives seemed full of promise
Oh, but good things never last
It seems to me

It’s a feeling like nostalgia
Keeps me turning back to you
And a feeling like nostalgia
For the dreams that we once knew
If you’re feeling like
What we were feeling is through
Why do I feel nostalgia?
Why do I feel nostalgia?
Like you

If you’re feeling like
What we were feeling is through
Why do I feel nostalgia?
Why do I feel nostalgia?
Like you

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