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Лирика | Stand Up
Stand Up

Вокал: David Gahan
Автор: Dave Gahan / Knox Chandler
Присутствует на: альбоме "Paper Monsters", сингле "Dirty Sticky Floors"

You give me untold riches
To which I hatched a plan
I drink myself to death
Just because I can

Gave me many choices
I didn't understand
Crawled across the floor
I knew I couldn't stand

Can't lie to myself this way
I have to stand up and walk away
I can't lie to myself this way
I have to stand up and walk away

Stand up
Stand up
Stand up
Stand up and walk

Hard to watch you suffer
So hard to feel the pain
But you're wrapped so tight in your one block world
Too scared to make the change

Ask yourself this question
While you're playing with your gun
Is your finger shaking on the trigger
Are you really having fun

I can't lie to myself this way
I have to stand up and walk away
I can't lie to myself this way
I have to stand up and walk away

Stand up
Stand up
Stand up
Stand up and walk

Stop talking
Try listening
To what I'm trying to say

If you're walking
You're breathing
Maybe you can make a change

You give me untold riches
To which I hatched a plan
I drink myself to death
Just because I can

Now I'm judge and jury
Are you having so much fun
Sitting up there on your throne
I've only just begun

I can't lie to myself this way
I have to stand up and walk away
I can't lie to myself today
I have to stand up and walk away

Stand up
Stand up
Stand up
Stand up and walk

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