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Лирика | Use You
Use You

Вокал: David Gahan
Автор: Dave Gahan / Christian Eigner / Andrew Phillpott
Присутствует на: альбоме "Hourglass"

It's killing me
To be in this room
I've gotta get out
I've gotta get out soon

I'm hurting you
With everything I do
It's too long
Too long in this place

We're counting down
Only seconds now
I gotta hang on
Hang on to you

I'm staring at
My cuticles
Too long
Too long in this place

We have each other
You are my brother
Sitting here beside you
I just wanna use you

We have each other
You are my brother
Sitting here beside you
I just wanna use you

I'm hurting you
With everything I do
I've gotta get out
I've gotta get out soon

It's killing me
To be in this room
I don't belong
Belong in this place

We have each other
You are my brother
Sitting here beside you
I just wanna use you

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