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Лирика | Never Turn Your Back On Mother Earth
Never Turn Your Back On Mother Earth

Вокал: Martin L. Gore
Автор: Ron Mael (оригинальное исполнение - Sparks).
Присутствует на: "Bong Magazine" Christmas flexi-disc (в треклисте значится как "Depeche Mode"), альбоме "Counterfeit E.P." (сольный проект Мартина Гора)

When she's on her best behaiviour
Don't be tempted by her favours
Never turn your back on mother earth

Towns are hurled from A to B
By hands that looked so smooth to me
Never turn your back on mother earth

Grasp at straws that don't want grasping
Gaze at clouds that come down crashing
Never turn your back on mother earth

Three days and two nights away from my friends
Amen to anything that brings a quick return
To my friends
To my friends

Never turn your back on mother earth

I'll admit I was unfaithful
But from now I'll be more faithful
Never turn your back on mother
Never turn your back on mother
Never turn your back on mother earth

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