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Лирика | Stardust

Вокал: Martin L. Gore
Автор: нет данных
Присутствует на: альбоме "Counterfeit 2"

Oh, look what they've done to the rock'n'roll clown,
Oh, rock'n'roll clown, look he's down on the ground,
Well he used to high fly
but he crashed out the sky
In a Stardust fling, hey
rock 'n roll king is down

Roll on up, won't you come and take a look at me,
Roll on up, come one at a time and see me
See my painted-on grin
as I stand up to sing
In a stardust fling, hey
rock'n'roll king is down

But he's the leader of the band
He is a lonely man
Don't you wanna take his hand
Yes you know you can

Well he used to high fly
but he crashed out the sky
In a Stardust fling, hey
rock 'n roll king is down

In a Stardust fling, hey
rock 'n roll king is down

In a Stardust fling, hey
rock 'n roll king is down.

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