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Лирика | Happiest Girl
Happiest Girl

Вокал: David Gahan
Автор: Martin L. Gore
Присутствует на: сингле "World In My Eyes"

Happiest girl I ever knew
Happiest girl I ever knew

Wanted to feel the joy
Flow between our lips
Wanted to feel the joy
Flow between our hips

Happiest girl I ever knew
Why do you smile the smile you do

Happiest girl I ever knew

Wanted to feel the joy
Pass between our eyes
Wanted to feel the joy
Pass between our thighs

And I would have to pinch her
Just to see if she was real
Just to watch the smile fade away
And see the pain she'd feel

Wanted to feel her joy
Feel it deep within
Wanted to feel her joy
Penetrate my skin

Happiest girl I ever knew
Why do you smile the smile you do

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