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Лирика | I Feel You
I Feel You

Вокал: David Gahan
Автор: Martin L. Gore
Присутствует на: альбоме "Songs Of Faith And Devotion", альбоме "The Singles 86>98", сингле "I Feel You"

I feel you
Your sun it shines
I feel you
Within my mind
You take me there
You take me where
The kingdom comes
You take me to
And lead me through Babylon

This is the morning of our love
It's just the dawning of our love
I feel you
Your heart it sings
I feel you
The joy it brings
Where heaven waits
Those golden gates
And back again
You take me to
And lead me through oblivion

This is the morning of our love
It's just the dawning of our love

I feel you
Your precious soul
And I am whole
I feel you
Your rising sun
My kingdom comes

I feel you
Each move you make
I feel you
Each breath you take
Where angels sing
And spread their wings
My love's on high
You take me home
To glory's throne
By and by

This is the morning of our love
It's just the dawning of our love

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