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Лирика | I Want It All
I Want It All

Вокал: David Gahan
Автор: Gahan / Eigner / Phillpott
Присутствует на: альбоме "Playing The Angel"

I see a river
It's oceans that I want
You have to give me everything
But everything's not enough

It's my desire
To give myself to you

Sometimes I try
Sometimes I lie with you
Sometimes I cry
Sometimes I die it's true
Somewhere I'll find something that's kind in you

And I've crossed the line again
A line I drew in sand
And still you give me everything
But everything's not enough

I'm ready but not willing
To give myself to you

Come on over lay down beside me
And I'll try
Come on over lay down beside me
And I'll try
And I'll try

I want it all

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