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Лирика | Mercy In You
Mercy In You

Вокал: David Gahan
Автор: Martin L. Gore
Присутствует на: альбоме "Songs Of Faith And Devotion"

You know what I need
When my heart bleeds
I suffer from greed
A longing to feed
On the mercy in you

I can't conceal
The way I'm healed
The pleasure I feel
When I have to deal
With the mercy in you

I would do it all again
Lose my way and fall again
Just so I could call again
On the mercy in you

When here in my mind
I feel inclined
To wrongly treat you unkind
I have faith I will find
The mercy in you

I would lose my way again
Be led hopelessly astray again
Just so I could pray again
For the mercy in you

When here in my mind
I have been blind
Emotionally behind
I have faith I will find
The mercy in you

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