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Лирика | Nothing's Impossible
Nothing's Impossible

Вокал: David Gahan
Автор: Gahan / Eigner / Phillpott
Присутствует на: альбоме "Playing The Angel"

Just give me a reason some kind of sign
I'll need a miracle to help me this time
I heard what you said and I feel the same
I know in my heart that I'll have to change

Even the stars look brighter tonight
Nothing's impossible
I still believe in love at first sight
Nothing's impossible

How did we get to be this far apart
How did we get to be this far apart
I want to be with you have something to share
I want to be here I'm not there

Even the stars look brighter tonight
Nothing's impossible
I still believe in love at first sight
Nothing's impossible

Even the stars look brighter tonight
Nothing's impossible
If you believe in love at first sight
Nothing's impossible

I still believe in love at first sight
Nothing's impossible

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