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Лирика | Edge To Life
Edge To Life

Вокал: нет данных
Автор: Toni Halliday
Присутствует на: альбоме "Bloodline"

I'm not waiting for a king
To rule my mind or anything
I don't need your band of gold
To take me where I need to go

There's an edge to life

That will cut you like a knife
When you lay your head down.
There's a castle of sand
That gets kicked in your face
To see how easily you'd fall from grace.
There's a piece of dust
That crumbles in your hand
If you decide to lose control.
No one can escape

When you find out they're fake
And you want to take the whole lot down.

A simple man
Well he could do more
But you can only see the traces
That have gone before.
There's a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow
If you walk the white line.

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