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Лирика | Jezebel

Вокал: нет данных
Автор: Orlandus Wilson
Присутствует на: альбоме "Liquid"

Well stop, great God, stop there and listen,
Listen to the story 'bout Jezebel.
Her sins were so wicked Jehovah got angry,
Her soul went leapin' and jumpin' into Hell.
Way back yonder in the olden days,

John told Jezebel to borrow her ways,
Said her evil deeds had ruined the land
And repent for the kingdom of God was at hand.
She got mad at John 'cause he told her 'bout the gospel,
Told her servants to boil him in oil.

Well they tell me God looked
From the windows of the heavens,
Spoke one word and the oil wouldn't boil.

He raised his hand, creation trembled,
Stamped his feet and time stood still,
Raised his voice, looked down
And thundered "John! Go do my will."

You got to go to judgment, stand trial.

Then they tell me John moved
Through the power of the gospel,

Told Jezebel her time was nigh.
On the book of life, her days were ended,
Her time run out and she had to die.

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