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Лирика | The Sinner In Me
The Sinner In Me

Вокал: David Gahan
Автор: Martin L. Gore
Присутствует на: альбоме "Playing The Angel"

If I could just hide
The sinner inside
And keep him denied
How sweet life would be
If I could be free
From the sinner in me

I'll never be a saint
That's not a picture
That your memory paints
Not renowned for my patience
I'm not renowned for my restraint

But you're always around
You can always be found
To pick me up
When I'm on the ground

If I could just hide
The sinner inside
And keep him denied
How sweet life would be
If I could be free
From the sinner in me

I'm still recovering
Still getting over all the suffering
More known for my anger
Than for any other thing

But you've always tried
To be by my side
And catch my fall
When I start to slide

If I could just hide
The sinner inside
And keep him denied
How sweet life would be
If I could be free
From the sinner in me

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