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Лирика | The Things You Said
The Things You Said

Вокал: Martin L. Gore
Автор: Martin L. Gore
Присутствует на: альбоме "Music For The Masses"

I heard it from my friends
About the things you said
I heard it from my friends
About the things you said
But they know me better than that
They know me better than that
They know my weaknesses
I never tried to hide them
They know my weaknesses
I never denied them

I heard it from my friends
About the things you said
I heard it from my friends
About the things you said
How can a view become so twisted
How can a view become so twisted
They know my weaknesses
I never tried to hide them
They know my weaknesses
You tried them

I get so carried away
You brought me down to earth
I thought we had something precious
Now I know what it's worth

I heard it from my friends
About the things you said
I heard it from my friends
About the things you said
I've never felt so disappointed
Never felt so disappointed
They know my weaknesses
I never tried to hide them
They know my weaknesses
Thought that you liked them

They know me better than that

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