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Лирика | Waiting For The Night
Waiting For The Night

Вокал: David Gahan, Martin L. Gore
Автор: Martin L. Gore
Присутствует на: альбоме "Violator"

I'm waiting for the night to fall
I know that it will save us all
When everything's dark
Keeps us from the stark reality
I'm waiting for the night to fall
When everything is bearable
And there in the still
All that you feel
Is tranquility

There is a star in the sky
Guiding my way with its light
And in the glow of the moon
Know my deliverance will come soon

There is a sound in the calm
Someone is coming to harm
I press my hands to my ears
It's easier here just to forget fear

And when I squinted
The world seemed rose-tinted
And angels appeared to descend
To my surprise
With half-closed eyes
Things looked even better
Than when they were opened

Been waiting for the night to fall
I knew that it would save us all
Now everything's dark
Keeps us from the stark reality
Been waiting for the night to fall
Now everything is bearable
And here in the still
All that you hear
Is tranquility

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