Мини-сайт сольного проекта Мартина Гора
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Дата: 06/05/03
Город: Лос-Анджелес, США, Калифорния
Концертная площадка: The Mayan Theater
Зрителей: нет данных
Поддержка: Нет
Список исполненных песен:

01. In My Time of Dying
02. Stardust
03. I Cast A Lonesome Shadow
04. Only When I Lose Myself
05. Sweetest Perfection
06. Coming Back To You (Acoustic)
07. By This River
08. Lost In the Stars (Acoustic)
09. In Your Room (Acoustic)
10. Walking In My Shoes (Acoustic)
11. Never Turn Your Back On Mother Earth (Acoustic)
12. Surrender
13. The Love Thieves
14. Candy Says

На бис:

15. Loverman
16. A Question Of Lust (Acoustic)
17. Home (Acoustic)
18. Shake The Disease (Acoustic)
Отзывы фанатов:

All the hype from the European Mart shows proved to be for good reason. Night one at the Mayan Theatre in Los Angeles was brilliant, Mart sounded amazing, both vocally and musically.
Nothing too out of the ordinary tonight, other than a small backing tape mix-up on 'Surrender', which was still great, with Mart singing "Yeeeaaaaah" three times at the end of the song instead of just once. He also did some crazy guitar strumming at the end of 'The Love Thieves'. Highlights in my opinion were 'The Sweetest Perfection', which sounded amazing, and the crowd seemed to react strongly to 'Home' and 'Shake The Disease' - no surprise there.
Interesting to note Andrew Philpott told us at the backstage afterparty that he's trying to play the backing tapes more live, instead of just hitting a button to trigger them. Maybe there will be some creative sounds for tomorrow's finale.
Hoping for a good alternate acoustic track tomorrow night, but probably will get 'Condemnation' if it's anything like the 2 nights in Germany. Overall, brilliance!

Slickmode (modesite.net)

the show incredible ( it was my birthday too)!!! martin displayed such energy and passion with every word that come out of his mouth! He even showed off a few new funny dance moves, he was very rock and roll... even head banging !! The crowd was cool and martin thanked us for "being very kind and polite" I bought my boyfriend for his first depeche related show and he was impressed stating " martin is a mad man in a GOOD way. he was unbeilevable!" yah, he's a fan now.


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