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DM 2005!!! -"Pain", "Suffer Well", "Everything", "Free", "Sinner In Me" and "Macro". Список тем форума

mute (28.05.2005 12:52)

The band will be making a special announcement on June 16th, at a press conference in Dusseldorf. Stay tuned for more details...

Lots of juicy bits and pieces today. First a nice run-down of album details in the new issue of Q!

The songs being worked on includes "Pain", "Suffer Well", "Everything", "Free", "Sinner In Me" and "Macro". These are of course working titles, and may change before release.

The Q feature includes a brief interview with Dave who is pleased with how well things are going. He says everyone is getting on really well. He also says how when they were making Exciter "it all felt a bit dead. This time we're all pulling together a lot more"

He describes the album as somewhere between Violator and SOFAD. "With Depeche Mode there's always that darkness in there. [...] At the same time there's hopefulness. Out of despair and suffering comes something good."

Dave says they are looking forward to recording in NY. "There's only so much sunshine you can take when you're singing songs about pain and suffering"

To top this off, DM.com made it official that the tour is indeed being announced on June 16th. The announcement will take place in Dusseldorf, Germany.

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