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Agatta (15.09.2005 18:28)
Side-Line on Sep 15, 05
"5 years after Alan Wilder's last solo album, the highly acclaimed "Liquid" CD released under the Recoil moniker in March 2000, the former Depeche Mode member has confirmed to Side-Line that he will start up his studiowork again this year. (…) Wilder plans to start work again this autumn. The Recoil website Shunt will feature information regarding forthcoming releases etc on due time. In the meantime, Dave Gahan confirmed our colleagues from D-Side that Alan Wilder wants to rework several songs from Depeche Mode, in particular titles from "Songs of faith and devotion" and "Violator", in the light of new technology such as suround sound and 5.1 mix sound."
Во как, товарищи!

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